I had no idea that there was a
Wikipedia entry for Floyd Rose. Ever wondered how you would like a Floyd Rose tremolo? Check out this page for everything you ever wanted to know about Floyd Rose tremolos including how they work, how to adjust them, advantages, disadvantages, parts, etc. Since the Stagemaster employs a Floyd Rose, I thought this information might be appropriate here. The page also includes some really interesting diagrams and photos. Here is the actual url, if you need it:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_RoseThis is the most informative page I have found on the web regarding this remarkable tremolo system. Check it out before you buy a Floyd Rose for yourself. Although I love mine, it took some getting used to and I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone. Changing strings for the first time was a real adventure in cluelessness on my part.
I've never really used a whammy bar when I played and am just as happy with a hard tail. The only Floyd Rose tremolo guitar I ever had was a Dean Baby Z and the FR system gave me fits so I ended up selling it. That was when I was really, really green in regards to electric guitars and really didn't know any better.
I have grown to like the Floyd Rose on the Stagemaster; however, at a gig, it may be wise to bring along an emergency, second guitar in case of a string break. Changing a string on a Floyd Rose is not something you can do quickly. I do like the special "dive bombing" etc. effects that can be created with this tremolo. Floyd Rose now has the "Speedloader" tremolo which makes changing a string a much easier and quick procedure.
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