The new Fender pots arrived today and they, of course, fit the holes in the pickguard perfectly. I have attached all of the parts to the pickguard and here are a couple of photos of the progress. I haven't done any wiring yet as I ran out of time today to work on the project. Speaking of wiring, I guess I am going to have to refer to the
Stagemaster wiring diagram from the Squier web site (pdf) after all. In handling the old electronics over and over, a couple of the wires have unattached and I can't remember what they were attached to. The soldering was inferior in the first place, so the wires just came right off. Even though I'm not that good at reading wiring diagrams, this doesn't look too tough.
I do have a mystery to solve though. Take a look at the pickup in the neck position (top photo). Can you see how it

has screw-type pole pieces on the top and solid pole pieces on the bottom? I can't tell if I have it in upside down or not. If anyone has any input on this dilemma, I'd sure like to hear it before I put the pickguard back on. I've never had a humbucker like this one so I don't which side is up. I suspect that I may have it right, but would like to know for sure.
At any rate, I finally have everything I need to finish this thing. I hope to do some wiring tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
Now I am merly speculating but I think it really matters little which way the top humbucker is. There may be a slight change if you flip it 180 degree around but doubtfull it would make much of a difference. If you find something authoritative on the matter, please post because I am now curious.
Carl - I can't see how it could make much difference either, but I'll try it like it is and see how it sounds. If I don't think it sounds right, then I'll just flip it over next time I change the strings.
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