Here is another unusual find, for your interest. A red Stagemaster, although this time an HSS. Not as nice as the white one I posted earlier, but kind of sharp nonetheless. I don't know about the 2 single coil pickup arrangement though--it might sound too much like a Strat (not that there's anything wrong with that); however, if I wanted it to sound like a Strat, I would buy a Strat.
I found this Stagemaster out for bid on eBay.
I wonder if any Stagemasters out there in seafoam blue or seafoam green (my two favorite colors for guitars). As soon as I can find the php file I'm going to update my graphic showing my personal guitar collection. Over the last weekend, I took pictures of four of my guitars in the TV studio at the station where I work so I would have similar background as the other pics (we're moving to a new building in a couple of months). I hadn't updated the picture for almost 2 years now and am overdue. [Shameless plug: I have the small-graphic version of my collection on my website with a link to the high-res version]
Thanks for the comment. I went over to your guitar page and had to read the whole thing. Would you like me to place a link to your guitar page on my Stagemaster blog home page? Just give me the go-ahead and I'll make the link, if you want.
crispy, it would be an honor if you'd add a link to the guitar section of my website. Thanks. Since you read it, you know the running joke I have of naming my guitars with variants of "Bubba." Of the four guitars I'm adding to my graphic, I'm going to have to come up with a couple of new names.
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